Gratitude, n. An emotion of the heart; gratitude is a virtue of the highest excellence, as it implies a feeling and generous heart, and a proper sense of duty. (Webster, 1828)
I've been thinking alot lately about gratitude, about all the things I have that I'm grateful for. My little sis just started blogging and she's inspired me by her posts on gratitude. So, here goes my attempt.
COLOR (picture of Mary's socks and shoes) - I love all colors but especially love pink, orange, green and blue. I'm grateful for color - and my little 5 year old who loves to wear all kinds of colors, regardless of what they look like together!
The other day she came down ready for school
a particularly strange color combo outfit - I'm try to not interfere with her clothing choices as she's very independent and loves to make these herself. This time I felt like I needed to intervene - so I said " Mary, I'm not sure that skirt and shirt match so well . . . " she looked me straight in the eye and said " MOM, does it really MATTER if they match?!" I laughed and said, I guess not honey - out the door she went!
FLOWERS - I love all kinds really but I especially love daisies and tulips
LAUGHTER - stay with me on the buffalo picture! I'm grateful for funny things here in Montana that make me laugh. This buffalo makes me laugh - every time I drive by it I smile and I love to smile. I hope you smile too looking at it here:)
FALL - especially this fall and the amazing weather we're having! I LOVE the sunshine! Fall is beautiful in Montana!
FRIENDS - this text goes with the picture of the 2 daisies leaning on each other. Friends, I've been blessed with so many wonderful friends! I'm grateful for friends, who let me lean on them when I need to lean, who laugh, smile, cry, encourage, uplift, listen and love me. Oh, how I'm grateful for friends!
NATE and MARY - the two most amazing kids I know! I'm grateful for our wonderful kids, the joy and laughter they bring into our lives. I'm grateful to be a mom!
PUMPKINS - I love them! and I LOVE Thanskgiving - which reminds me of pumpkins!
SUNSETS - can you believe how beautiful sunsets are?! We have amazing sunsets here in Montana - and I love them (and yes, this sunset really looked like this - no photoshopping here!!)
PAUL - I'm grateful for my wonderful man! He's funny, creative, smart, patient, encouraging, adventurous, kind, a great dad and husband. Im grateful to be sharing my life with him!
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . and that we all stop a minute and think on all that we have to be grateful for!